Getting Excited About Google Docs

by | Productivity

I have been a fan of Google Docs for years now and regularly use the software for writing articles and Website content and also use it for all of the spreadsheets I create. I’ve also recently started using Google Slides to create presentations and as expected it is just as good as Powerpoint. In fact, I’m writing this using Docs right now.

If, like me, you’re a fan of the fantastic Google docs you might be interested to know a little trick I discovered recently. I know I’m a little late to the party here because I’ve only just found out about these amazing timesaving shortcuts and apparently they have been in use for over a year. But I’m passing this on in case there are others who didn’t get to the party either. 

So, here it is. Drum roll please!

You can create a new document simply by typing into your browser:

  • – for a new word type document
  • – for a new spreadsheet
  • – for a new presentation

That’s it. An incredibly simple thing but oh so effective. I know it might not seem like much but if you’re a regular user you’ll know it’s a handy little time saver. You need to be signed in to your Google account for it to immediately open a new document, otherwise, you’ll be presented with the Google account log in page. But if you are signed in, it saves loading the docs home page etc.

I know I probably shouldn’t be so impressed but what a great feature!

Have you tried Google Workspace? It’s a cloud-based productivity suite (it was formerly called GSuite) you can access anywhere on any device that includes Google Docs, Secure Business Email, Calendar, Cloud Storage, 100 participant video meetings, 24/7 support and more. I love it because it allows me to work more efficiently.

Google Workspace is offering a 14-day trial so it costs nothing to see how good it is. Sign up using my promotion code and you get a 10% discount too. For less than a fiver a month you can get a suite of tools that allows you to get work done from anywhere on any device.

Start today:


Tony Williams

Tony Williams

Tony Williams is the founder of TDL Webs and specialises in creating effective and affordable Web solutions for local businesses.

He is the author of The Magic In A Freelance Web Design Business and has been published in WebUser and Net magazine in the UK.

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