TDL WEBS NEWS – February 2023

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I hope your 2023 is going well and you are healthy and happy.

With the current ‘doom and gloom’ headlines we are seeing in the news each day it can be challenging to stay optimistic, but I’m going to buck the trend and do just that. So I’m not announcing price rises for the coming year. Instead, I’m bringing you two money-saving offers:


If you have had a website for a number of years, the chances are that it would really benefit from a redesign to bring it up to date with the latest technology and compatible with newer mobile devices etc.

This month, I’m offering 20% off the usual price so you could get a shiny new fully redesigned website for considerably less than you might be expecting. Plus, all redesigns come with a free full year of hosting. This offer is only valid until 16th March so hurry!

For a free quote with absolutely no obligation, please email or simply give me a call.

FEATURE: Do You Have A Landline Phone But Use A Mobile?

We all know there are benefits to having a local landline phone number for business. Seeing a local telephone number can reassure potential customers and help to build trust. But how often do you actually use a phone plugged into the wall these days?

Despite having and paying for a landline, I had mine permanently redirected to my mobile. This was really convenient as I could receive calls from wherever I was. But I was still paying an overpriced charge for a service and a cable that wasn’t getting used. Perhaps you do the same?

Well, if like me you have a landline phone number for your business but don’t actually use the line you will probably be interested to know about the convenience and the savings that can be made with Virtual Landline.

Getting a virtual landline is really simple and a great money saver. It is way cheaper than a physical landline (mine currently costs me just £6.95 per month!) and offers all of the benefits and convenience of forwarding an actual physical landline so you can keep the number your regular customers are familiar with.

Some of the benefits:

  • Save Money
  • Keep Your Local Number
  • Convenient & Flexible

I just use my virtual landline to receive calls and voicemails but there are actually a lot more features including making calls, voicemail, virtual office assistant, and more…

If that sounds like something you might be interested in, check it out at

And Finally…

Finally, a reminder to be wary of scammers. We seem to be inundated with dodgy emails on a regular basis and a lot of them are very convincing. I try to post alerts when I can on my Facebook Page, but the main thing to remember is that if something doesn’t quite look right, then it probably isn’t.

If you receive anything about your email, hosting, or domain that you’re not 100% sure of, please contact me. With so many of these devious scams about it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Best Wishes,

Tony Williams
TDL Web Developments
Tony Williams

Tony Williams

Tony Williams is the founder of TDL Webs and specialises in creating effective and affordable Web solutions for local businesses.

He is the author of The Magic In A Freelance Web Design Business and has been published in WebUser and Net magazine in the UK.

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