Take Direct Debit Payments From Your Customers And Get A FREE £100!

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We all know that accepting direct debit payments from your customers is a great way to improve your business’s efficiency and profitability. It’s convenient, reduces admin costs and cuts down on the risk of late payments which could affect your cash flow.

But did you know that it’s a doddle to set up?

It’s easy! Using a service like GoCardless makes everything very straightforward. I’ve been using them for years. They have a great user interface where you can invite customers, manage payment plans, and see exactly how much has been paid and is due. The fees are the lowest I’ve seen too!

If you want to collect direct debit payments from your clients, you really should check it out. Use my referral link below and we could both earn a FREE £100!


Tony Williams

Tony Williams

Tony Williams is the founder of TDL Webs and specialises in creating effective and affordable Web solutions for local businesses.

He is the author of The Magic In A Freelance Web Design Business and has been published in WebUser and Net magazine in the UK.

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