West Kirby Rambling Club

29th September 2022
Full length screenshot of the West Kirby Rambling Club home page

Modern & Stylish

The all new Website for West Kirby Over 50’s Rambling Club offers a simple, yet stylish platform for visitors interested in finding out more about the club. There is information about the various walking groups and activities, and a simple contact form for visitors wanting to enquire about joining.

Members Only

The website includes a private member’s only section featuring news, walk details & maps, photo galleries and discussions accessible to members via a username and password. Authorised users can administer the website, editing both the content and authorising new members’ access.

Responsive Layout

The Website design and layout is compatible with all screen sizes and devices, including iPhones, tablets, laptops and desktops.

Take A Look

Visit the site and learn more about West Kirby Rambling Club at https://westkirbyrambling.club/

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