Scalp Styles UK

11th August 2021
Full page screenshot of Scalp Styles UK's home page

A Local Hair Loss Solution

New this week is the website for Scalp Styles UK the fully licensed micropigmentation clinic based in Birkenhead, Wirral. Micropigmentation is increasing in popularity as it provides an instant, permanent & natural-looking solution to hair loss.

Stylish Design

The Scalp Styles Website is both informative and visually appealing to its users and showcases the micropigmentation technique. The website is based on the WordPress platform and features a consistent layout suitable for all screen sizes. Easy updating and editing of the website via a simple to use ‘visual builder’ is provided for authorized admin users.

Callback Form

The design makes use of full contact information on every page and features a dynamic form on the contact page, making it quick and easy for a user to make contact and request an appointment or more information about micropigmentation.

Take A Look

Visit the site and learn more about Scalp Styles UK at 

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