Rapid Plumbing & Heating

17th November 2020
Full page screenshot of Rapid Plumbing & Heating website

Home Page Layout

New today is the fully revitalised Website for Rapid Plumbing & Heating, an experienced and fully qualified plumbing & heating company based in Wallasey, Wirral. Rapid are experts in all aspects of heating and plumbing and no job is too big or too small.

Stylish Redesign

The brief was to redesign an existing Website with a full-featured landing page type layout and incorporate a portfolio section featuring past projects. The layout is of course compatible with all screen sizes and works well with mobiles featuring tappable links and phone numbers throughout. The colour scheme was developed from the existing logo and maintains the Rapid Plumbing & Heating brand identity. 

Contact Rapid Easily

The Website design makes consistent use of contact information in the footer of every page, making it quick and easy for a user to make contact and request a heating or plumbing appointment. Social Media is also featured with links to Rapid’s Facebook and Twitter identities.

Take A Look

Visit the site and learn more about Rapid Plumbing & Heating at https://rapidph.co.uk/ 

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