Dave’s Driving School Wirral

25th August 2021
Full page screenshot of Dave's Driving School Wirral website

Driving Lessons For Wirral

New today is a landing page website promoting driving lessons in Wirral from Dave’s Driving School. Based in Greasby, Dave’s Driving School offers flexible lesson times and a full range of support to help pupils learn to drive safely and confidently.

Single Page Design

The Website consists of a single landing page made up of relevant sections as the page is scrolled, each section providing vital information required when looking for driving lessons. The contemporary, vibrant design of the page is compatible with all screen sizes and looks great on both desktop, iPad and mobile phone screens. 

Prominent on the page is a very clear contact section featuring a clear message, along with phone number, email address and a dynamic contact form.

Learner Driver Resources

A Learner Driver Resources section has been included which provides useful links to required external services, such as applying for a provisional driving licence.

Check It Out

Visit the site and learn more about Dave’s Driving School at https://davesdrivingschoolwirral.co.uk/

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